Friday, September 2, 2011


Hope all is well with everyone…

Things around here are getting a bit crazy as we approach Hootin an Hollarin. However, I have a list and I'm sticking to it!!! That always keeps the crazy calm, for me anyway!

NubbleNut™ Nancy is completed and I will try my hardest (because it's on the list!) to get her pattern finalized and uploaded to my esty shop this weekend. She's adorable and my daughter say that Nancy makes her crave neapolitan ice cream!

(Well…she kinda makes me crave it too!)

My Super Sally is completed. I made her as a prop for my business so I wired her to stand. Otherwise I don't think I would've taken the extra time. It was quite the process to figure out and although worth it for what she will be used, I could've made 5 Sallys the normal size.

She is pretty awesome though.

I will have details soon on a raffle we'll be starting for a Super Sally. We will be donating a nice portion of the proceeds to Operation Christmas Child. It's an organization created to give kids around the world a Christmas.

I'm so proud of my kids because every year they make out their Christmas lists (what little they put on them!) and then they cut them in half so they can go shopping to fill the shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child (since our church participates). It's really a blessing to watch them get excited about giving instead of wondering and constantly questioning what they're going to get!!

The Sally up for raffle WILL NOT be wired to stand, it's just too much work. But can you imagine giving a special kid one of these for Christmas? I can and the reaction would be priceless!!!

Well, I'm back to working on hillbilly doll patterns. They're looking pretty awesome. I'll post pics when I'm finished and their patterns will be for sale as well. You will be able to purchase them individually or as a set with a discount for purchasing the set.

Ya'll take care and keep your chins up…even if you have frizzy hair on a sunny day!

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