THAT is the question it seems.
WHERE have I been?
Busy at life,
Busy at work,
Just BUSY and it never seems to stop.
I've been working on some things that I would like to add to my array of items to offer on my website and I've just been too busy to get everything completely organized.
As soon as get everything together (remember God's time?) I will be letting everyone know. Don't forget to find me at Ravelry because I'm working on getting some more patterns available there and at Craftsy. I'm working on getting some new designs uploaded and the patterns finished for some of the projects I already have posted.
I am also working on making available some of my favorite yarns through my website and getting a shopping cart set up there as well.
And I'm STILL working on illustrations for that book. Each time I sit down to work on it it seems to take on a life of it's own and head in a different direction. One thing that I've learned in my artistic life is to not force anything the direction YOU think it should go. You have to let it be free to form itself and that seems to be what's keeping me from finishing up the book.
I WILL finish it, but again, God's time and apparently that isn't right now (or the last year it seems!)
I appreciate everyone's patience while I continue to get things in order. What I have taken on seems to be overwhelming and my brain doesn't think it should be!!!
Keep your chin up…even if you have frizzy hair on a sunny day!!!!!