I do appreciate your patience on my lack of getting to blog more often. I just haven't found the groove to keep it in the schedule more than a couple of times a month!! I will definitely work on that as the new year continues.
My daughter has started her season of basketball. It's elementary age level so it should be over by the first week of March, but it has us busy every weekend until then!!
I'm starting up a second knitting group at our church. This one is mainly for the kids, but the adults are always welcome to join us because most of them are unable to come to the one I have in the middle of the day on Thursday. We are also teaching crocheting. Some people think two needles is too difficult so since I do both it's not too much to just squeeze them in too!!!
So, the exciting thing right now is that I now have a pattern store at Ravelry. I just haven't had time to update my website as of late and get the shopping cart and everything up and going like I'd hoped, so this is a better alternative to my etsy shop. I know everyone is usually already right there looking around on Ravelry and this allows instant downloads. It's easier to keep just one or two things updated right now with my busy schedule and trying to get the book completed. Life keeps getting in the way, but I'm going to finish it!
So here is the link directly to my pattern store.
Hey everyone, check out the Onnica Hutchings Designs store over at Ravelry.
You can download patterns instantly after paying for them or just choose the free ones!!!!
I hope this finds you all well and those who have snow and ice stay warm!!!
Keep your chins up…even if you have frizzy hair on a sunny day!!!!