Friday, August 26, 2011



I just got NubbleNut™ Nancy's right arm attached and I'm headed outside (we have perfect natural lighting as I'm typing so I gotta hurry!) to take pics. I still have a little more typing on her pattern and then she'll be ready to post!

I will let you know the SECOND I get her pattern up in my Etsy store. It won't be as much a Sally (Sally has clothes too!) probably around $3.00 or so.

She's an easy knit and I have a couple kids sitting around who can't wait to get their hands on her pattern, so I'm hoping the rest of ya'll can't wait too!

I'm also double checking the Alexi and Arnie Alien patterns and will try to have those in the store soon as well. I know at least a couple of people who are chompin' at the bit to try those so I promise to not take too much longer.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Keep your chin up…even if you have frizzy hair on a sunny day!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

NubbleNut™ Nancy

I'm trying as hard as I can to get her finished and posted for sale. I know you guys will love her, but my crazy life has gotten crazier and I just hope all of you realize that I knit as a stress reliever. It's not my full-time job, so I can only do what I can do!

I started typing up her pattern and thought I made a mistake in my stitch counting. I still haven't had the time to figure out if I have or not because my brain has been too tired.

We had a special section deadline (NO, we don't yell "stop the press!" when we don't make it. They move someone else's job in front of our and it jacks up the print schedule!) and it's just being finished up today, so I'm praying my brain can return to the less normal crazy instead of continuing the really crazy crazy.

Just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive and working on things. I'm also getting ready to start working on my hillbilly doll patterns this weekend. I'm really excited about those.

Something else I'm really excited about…Super-Sized Sally!

I will post pics as soon as I get her finished (I was waiting on eyes to come in the mail!) but she's pretty awesome! I wired her so she can stand on her own (quite the job to do. I'm not sure I would repeat it.)

But having a larger Sally spurred on the thought…why not have a raffle contest for a Super-Sized Sally?

It's not quite time yet, but September 1st I will post about the details on such.

Until the next time…

Keep your chins up…even if you're having frizzy hair on a sunny day! (I know I am!!! :O)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Book On Hold!

Okay…everybody who knows me should know one major thing (okay, maybe it's TWO things)…

I HATE missing deadlines and I HATE being late.

Well…life has gotten just a bit crazy and with some unexpected things happening and Hootin an Hollarin (see previous posts!) for which to prepare I have to announce that the children's book is being put on hold.

I really wanted it to be ready by the end of August but then I found out my boss is taking a vacate, my kids are starting school and there was an extra special section thrown in there somewhere (I do have a regular job on top of all my freelance stuff!) so time to finish it is getting away from me.

I've also discovered that I am totally unable to draw when I don't get quiet time to myself to just sit and reflect on what the ultimate goal of the drawing is.

I mean, let's be real, I'm an artist and I must be inspired prior to the pencil hitting the paper. If I should try to force it, what would come out?

NASTY………………because who wants to look at a forced drawing?

Nobody…that's who.

So it saddens me that I'm not able to get it ready, but I want it to be the best, not just another something mediocre.

On a brighter note…I think I'll have a contest of sorts. It may be a raffle or something but all the details haven't been worked out just yet. I will post something about it when I get it in order. I just get really excited about my super huge Sally and think it would be awesome to have a contest for one.

I will post pics of her when she is finished.

A typical Sally won't be able to stand on her own, but this one is special. She's my first giant Sally and I plan on utilizing her within my business so I'm taking the time to engineer her to be able to stand and look at though she is waving.

BTW, for those of you who don't knit and would still like to purchase some of my items, I hope to be taking orders soon. I don't want to totally overwhelm myself and not be able to fulfill orders people might like to give as Christmas gifts, but we'll see how my schedule goes and I'll post something about it.

I will try to get NubbleNut™ Nancy's pattern up for sale this weekend. She's really cute and a quick easy knit. Her pattern won't cost as much as Sally's because there's no clothes to sew, but I think you knitters out there will still enjoy her.

I also have a couple of alien patterns to get uploaded for sale. One is a two-needle pattern and one for in-the-round. I'll let you know when those are up as well.

Please feel free to go to my website!contact

and drop me a line about anything. Share your projects, let me know if you'd be interested in a contest or raffle, just ANYTHING you might like to share and I'll get back to you.

Remember…Hootin an Hollarin is just around the corner…September 15, 16 & 17 in Gainesville Missouri.

Ya'll keep it real…even if you're having frizzy hair on a sunny day!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Holy COW…she'll be bigger!!

I'm knitting a larger Sally!!

Now I'm not offering a pattern for sale for her at this size, if you know how to enlarge patterns you could buy it and do it yourself. I just wanted to try out some larger needles with chunkier yarn BUT…

I'm shooting for a doll that may end up about three and half to four feet tall. The first size I'm knitting will be closer two 30" when she's finished. But that one that is calling to me to knit next should be closer to the size I really want her.

These first couple at the larger size won't be offered for sale, but I think I'm going to knit a few dolls of different sizes and put a couple out there just to see if they might sell.

If any of you would be interested in ordering a Sally doll to be made by me for you, please let me know. I do understand that not everyone knits and I would be willing to take orders for Sally dolls, but my time IS LIMITED so I can get booked up quickly. You can message me on my Facebook page here

or click on the link to my website and use the contact page. That will go directly to my email inbox that I check periodically throughout the day.

I'll post pics when I'm finished,

I'm actually off to maybe work on some illustrations to get that book finished. School starts this Friday so I'm seeing less distractions during my day.

I do love my kids, but it's time for some me creative time and I'm sure they're looking forward to getting back into the groove of seeing their friends on a daily basis.

Well, ya'll…

Keep it real with a smile on your face…even if you have frizzy hair on a sunny day!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Contest to Enter!

Hey everybody!

I'm still working on that NubbleNut™ Nancy pattern and may try to have it up for sale sometime this weekend.

But…in the meantime, here is a contest to check out from our friends at All Free Knitting.

Keep it real…even with frizzy hair on a sunny day!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Busy Rainy Day!!!

Well…where do I start?

Oh, yeah, waking up on a day that I normally get to forget about graphic design and do what I WANT to do I wake up to sounds I don't normally hear…

The Dad™ already has both kids up and cleaning! I said CLEANING!!

They're not just loading the dishwasher, vacuuming floors, dusting and taking out the trash…they're TAKING OUT THE TRASH!!!!

Both kids and The Dad™ each have 29 gallon trash bags walking through the house throwing stuff OUT!! YAY!

BUT…that throws a crimp in my day. You see, if I don't jump in and help then things I have sorted ready to be put away will be gone through AGAIN and disorganized AGAIN!!!

Sometimes their idea of cleaning really throws The Mom™ for a loop and moves things around I already knew where were so the next time I'm asked, 'Where's such and such?" I'm not going to know because it got moved and not by me!!

SO…The Mom™ has spent the morning cleaning with The Fam™ and we've gotten quite a bit accomplished and I'm happy about it. Now back to what I really wanted to do today.

I do have some ads that need to be done for we have Hootin an Hollarin coming up and I have deadlines at the office for that. I also have a t-shirt design to draw and some other designing that I need get done so I don't feel like a crazy person when the festival comes around. (Below is last years drawing for the shirt!)

Oh, I guess I should explain what Hootin an Hollarin is…every year during the third full weekend (that includes a Thursday, Friday & Saturday) in September our little town ropes off the square (we're the county seat!) and we have a huge hoedown!

People come from near & far to shop, hog call & clog. We have a turkey shoot (no real turkeys are shot, it's just targets), a pet show (you can bring ANYTHING you call a pet!) and we even have bed AND outhouse races! It's quite a sight for it takes over almost our whole town and everyone in our county turns out for it!!

My kids and I usually make something to sell each year. For the last three years we've sold hillbilly hats. We have the plain black ones like below, but we also have neon, camo, zebra stripe, leopard print, giraffe print and regular primary colors (and they're all mixed and matched as well!) We still have those for sale and last year we made marshmallow catapults and I'm positive we still have more of those. I'm not sure yet what they want to do, but like I said, we still have plenty of stuff to sell so we may not need to "make" anything more.

I'm also still working on that NubbleNut™ Nancy pattern. It's taken a different direction and I just haven't gotten it finished and typed up yet. I promise it will be soon. The pattern will be for sale at my etsy shop, but I'll post a link for it as soon as it's available.

Everybody keep it real…even if you have frizzy hair on a sunny (or a rainy) day!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Stuff Going On!

Okay, so I'm still working on that pattern for NubbleNut™ Nancy. I got a little side-tracked with happenings this weekend.

The Hubs™ got in a major cleaning mood and I'm just thanking God because I seriously needed some help around here getting rid of some things and I love when he's in a throw-it-away mood!!

I'm also still working on illustrations for the children's book but we have other major things happening this week that may put that on hold for a week.

My kids have decided they would like to go back to public school this year so we're going to try it. We must go in this Thursday to get them registered and pick a schedule for the 7th grader (yes, I said 7th!) and ensure we get the teacher we want for the 4th grader.

I will say that I'm picky about my kids' teachers and I don't really believe there's anything wrong with that so I'm just going to say right now I'm not going to apologize for my opinions or beliefs on what goes on in our school. I know some of our teachers (and they know who they are!) do an awesome job. Then there are others that I often wonder how they still have a job, but then I remember there are politics and cliques EVERYWHERE and if you have the right name, or know the right people then you can have anything you want without working for it.

I have the opposite problem. I don't know anybody special and I don't have a popular name, so there's nothing but God going to help me. In fact I've actually been put down TO MY FACE because of "working too much and instilling that work ethic into my children?" Who cares what those people think? I'm just going to continuing working for what I have because I believe that's what's right and what God would have me to do.

People who cheat the system, and life for that matter, will reap unpleasant rewards in the end and it's not for me to judge. I'm just going to continue to teach my children work is always the right way to go, have ultimate pride in your work because no one else will and always do what you know in your heart is right, whether or not the outcome is really what you wanted. God doesn't provide our WANTS He provides our NEEDS.

Anywho…I'm getting off my soapbox for now. I just wanted to let everyone know I was still alive and busy working on things. Hopefully after school starts (on the 19th!) I will be able to get more accomplished and get it on here and out to you!

Everyone keep it real…even if you have frizzy hair on a sunny day!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New NubbleNut™ pattern coming soon!!

Okay, so I must apologize to any of you who may have tried to click for the free pattern of NubbleNut™ Nate. I hope it's been fixed, but just in case you haven't downloaded it yet, here's the link…

I am currently working on a new NubbleNut™ pattern for sale in my etsy shop. Her name is Nancy and she'll be at least four times bigger than Nate.

I do hope you will check her out and maybe purchase her pattern. She's an easy knit with just a few more difficult stitches. I can't help it…the bobble is my absolute fave stitch…and once you get it down, I'm sure you'll love it too!!!

Learn how here…

So as soon as NubbleNut™ Nancy is finished and I have pics available, I will post them here. And don't forget she will also be available in my etsy shop.

Hope you all keep smiles on your faces…it looks to be another frizzy hair on a sunny day (SUPER HOT) day!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Apparently the link for the FREE NubbleNut™ Nate pattern had an error message attached, so here is the new one!


MEET NubbleNut™ NATE!!!

As promised, here is a FREE pattern for all my knitting friends!

My daughter was asked to name him and thoughtfully said, "I'm not sure what his name should be, but he looks like a NubbleNut™!"

Sooooooo…it STUCK!

What's a mom to do but come up with a whole line of NubbleNuts™?!!!

So that's what we're doing…

Our smaller NubbleNuts™ patterns will be available free for download at various times (Nate's is here)

and I will link to it from all my regular places such as Ravelry, Craftsy, my website, etc.

As we write them, the larger ones will be patterns for sale in my etsy shop as well as my website after I get it ecommerced (still working out some bugs!)

I am still in the process of finishing the illustrating of my book and that is going to take priority for right now in the creativity department. I also have some other character patterns (that go along with an annual festival in our hometown) that I'm in the middle of writing so as soon as the book is finished, I'm going back to those.

But let me know what you think of NubbleNut™ Nate and feel free to post your projects at Ravelry when you're finished. I'd love to see them!

Take care and keep those smiles…even if it's a frizzy hair on a sunny day kinda day!!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

next FREE pattern is almost here!!

Okay, I just have one leg and one arm to get on this crazy thing and then I'm going to let my kids name it.

After all that happens I will get a pic taken, the pattern typed up and get it posted so everyone can get to knittin' their own versions.

I'm shooting for later this evening or first thing in the morning!!

I think I'm getting faster at this!!!

Keep those smiles!

I'm having frizzy hair on a sunny day!!!!


Free Pattern coming soon!!

Just a quick note before I head to sleepyland!!!!

I am working on a new free pattern. I will let you all know when I upload it. As the last one, there will be a link for you to open a pdf file and download it.

Hope everyone is hanging in there…keep that smile…even if you have frizzy hair on a sunny day!!!